The Circles Team is excited to share about some of the awesome stuff that we’ve been working on. Read on to find out about the new features that we know you’re going to love.

One Circle to go, please!

Don’t want to miss your session while you’re out and about? The CircleSpace Mobile/Tablet App allows you to connect from anywhere (with video!), while still enjoying the features that make for a powerful small group learning experience.

More Circles, More Learning!

Ever wish you could group into smaller circles to have a more focused or intimate conversation? Now you can: Breakout CircleSpaces multiply the power of your circle by creating additional spaces within sessions.




Track Your Progress

Gather new insights and learn more about your circles through the data in our improved dashboard and analytics sections.

Be There Or Be Square(d)

Maintain focus during sessions by engaging visual full-screen mode and blocking out background sounds with noise reduction.

For those who lose their keys

We’ve made logging in easier than ever; Single Sign-on (SSO) allows new users to sign up with Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft & Okta.

What’s next?

Our community is growing and we’re offering more ways than ever for you to stay in the loop as we expand. Check out our latest blog post, and connect with us on LinkedInInstagram and Facebook #circlesnotrows. We’re excited about these updates, and as always we welcome your feedback.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments: experience@circl.esor call us at +1 (866) 303-4255.

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