About Us

We’re trying to improve the shape of things. Shapes are so entrenched in our lives, we sometimes don’t question them. CirclesSpace was born in Barcelona, where Gaudi’s Cathedral of the Sagrada Familia shocks you with spirals, curves, colors, images of nature, intertwined and dynamic. Gaudi dared to push the bounds of what shape a cathedral was supposed to be. Can we improve on the hierarchical shape of our classrooms and meeting rooms? What if we could learn, work and live in circles instead of rows?

When a small group of humans are arranged in a circle, they connect. Add facilitation. People feel included, heard, and begin to open up. They start giving and receiving help. Add short sparks of outside concepts and perspective shifts. They become more creative. Repeat every few weeks and they build trust, pushing each other to follow-through. When a Circle “jells,” as we call it, participants use words like magical and transformative.

We came together as a company, from Barcelona, New York, Buenos Aires, Lake Oswego, Auckland and more, to help other companies and communities create circles. Circles aren’t a novel idea. We’ve studied and worked with hundreds of practitioners of all kinds of Circles, and our goal is to amplify their efforts, contribute some tools, and spur on a movement. The advent of virtual spaces gave us an opening: it is easier to design and scale experiences digitally. Technology can help bring out our humanity. We’re continually improving our system, platform and services, as we learn from our partners, participants, and from each other. By shifting the shapes of communities and organizations, we optimize human potential.

Our Team

Ammar Hasolkar

Program Manager

I have a truck driving license in India but I don’t even know even how to ride a car!

Bart de Vocht

Operations Lead

Singer of La Bamba.

Bernard Duggan

Software Developer

I’ve worked on three published computer games you’ve never heard of.

Clara Santangelo

Program manager and Data Insights

Used to practice scottish dancing at primary school. Can play the Castanets.

Dan Hoffman

Founder & CEO

Knows 4 chords on the guitar.

Felipe Gonzalo Juarros

Program Manager

Doesn’t know how to ride a bike.

Florencia Alonso

Program Manager

I used to grow silkworms, I play the saxophone and ride my bike everywhere.

Franko Franicevich


Loves to travel.

James Hessell-Bowman

Software Developer

Can both walk and chew gum at the same time.

Jami York

Partnership Manager

a US Pacific Northwest girl who loves the outdoors, deep conversation and dark chocolate.

Jime Dominguez

Program Manager

loves sports, teaching and baking!

Jonathan Hefter

Program Lead

I once shot rifles with Hunter Thompson.

Katherine Lake

Program Manager

Big fan of carrot cake and film photography.

Luchi Garcia Garona

Program Manager

Facu’s mom, frustrated Mari kondo follower, and hidden K-drama fan!

Maria Tenberge

Customer Success

Lived in 6 countries on 3 continents and finally decided to grow roots in a small community in Barcelona.

Matt Fox-Wilson

User Experience Designer

I’m a qualified instructor in the Japanese sword art of Iaido.

Mechi Anahi Spataro

Product & QA Manager

Cestoball player and addicted to mint icecream flavor. 

Tayyib Esau

Software Developer

Enthusiastic Brazilian Jiu jitsu white belt.

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